Thank you Best of Winchester Guide For Voting PSA Number 1 for Six Years In A Row!

Overview of PSA

The Preschool Social Academy offers a professionally designed, thematic curriculum; complete with lesson plans, assessments, portfolios and newsletters for parents to use as a guide.

Children learn through hands on play and structured activities in our well organized learning centers. Our classroom is organized into "learning environments." These are the places within our classroom where the children can find the toys and materials related by theme, interest, and skills. These activities and toys can be used independently by the children, socially with others, or with teacher direction, to reinforce and enrich skills and concepts they need. Learning environments are an excellent way to individualize the curriculum to meet the varying needs of young children.

A Day In A Life At PSA

"We were so thrilled by our experience at Preschool Social Academy. I could tell right away that my daughter Mia loved it there by the way she'd bounce into the modern stylish classroom. You could tell Kimberly took pride in her school from the meticulously clean toys right down to the strategically placed hand sanitizer bottles ...Continue review on testimonials page!

- Review from the new FAN members only website by: Patricia and Mark Donavaro